Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Well after a long day at the hospital and several tests, we received the great news that Logan has pneumonia. I guess he really was worse than I thought, terrible mother... But we are starting him on an antibiotic and hopefully he will heal quickly. Please keep him in your prayers and a special request that Tina doesn't lose her mind would be appreciated too! :)
Monday, November 24, 2008
Very long day

Today has been one of those days that you wish you could quit your job. Unfortunately as the Mom, that luxury is not an option. So I decided to document it instead. Logan and Kali are sick. Logan is much worse, or just much more needly, I haven't quite figured that out yet. But it has been a long day full of throwing up, medicine, juice, and diapers. I really hope they wake up tomorrow much better.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Give Thanks for Friends
Friday, November 14, 2008
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Service is so much FUN

Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Who do you Love?

1.Where did you meet your husband? At the U, we had two classes together
2.How long did you date before you got married? 4 months
3. How long have you been married? 10 years
4. What does he do that surprises you? He still thinks he can sing.
5. What is your favorite feature of his? His laugh, his eyes and lips.
6. What is his best quality? Non judgemental
7. Does he have a nickname for you? Teener
8. What is his favorite food? Toss up between Apricot Chicken and Sweet Meatballs
9. What is his favorite sport? Does Fantasy Football count?
10. When and where did you first kiss? Spring Break at the Huntington Library. We were under this beautiful flowering vine bridge and he asked if he could kiss....my nose. Chicken, he kissed my nose then I kissed him. Even then I had to do everything!
11. What is your favorite thing to do as a couple? Ummm... :) j/k we like anything outdoors, camping, hiking, biking, sports.
12. Do you have any children? 4 PERIOD.
13.Does he have any hidden talents? I think he is a closet movie producer. He makes our family video every year and does an amazing job!
14. How old is he? 33
15. Who said 'I love you' first? Wow, I am not sure. I'll have to research that one.
16. What is his favorite music? I guess it would be 90's rock. He likes most everything except country, and he loves movie soundtracks.
17. What do you admire most about him? There are a lot of things I admire. I guess the thing I admire most is his ability to see all sides of a problem. He is not an emotional thinker, he thinks with his head first and that makes me respect his opinions because it's always thought through.
18. What is his favorite color? Blue
19. Will he read this? Probably not, too busy.
20. TAG YOU ARE IT!!!! Post about your husband and show him you love him!
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Falling into Fall

One of the reasons we bought our property was because it had beautiful trees in the backyard. They provide us with the much needed shade in the summer and a park like backyard. However, when the leaves start to fall, my yard maintainence increases 10 times the norm. I have to blow leaves every other day. The kids helped out this time and raked up a big pile of leaves. I thought they were being so helpful until I realized they were just doing it to jump in them. But hey, at least they are at the end of the yard and I just have to blow them over the fence into the woods!
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Puppy Love

If you read my last post you would know that I was bummed out because we didn't get to foster the lab puppies. Well I got a call yesterday that said one of the FCP had backed out and we could have two Shar pei mixes if we were still interested. So we said YES! Here are some pictures of the cuties. The kids are having so much fun with them, walking, playing, feeding, cleaning up poop, pee and more poop and pee... They thought that I wasn't going to make them clean it up, they were wrong! This is part of having a dog.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
So bummed!
We had this great opportunity to "foster" two puppies for a couple weeks. They were so cute, chocolate lab mix. They would have provided their cages and food, we just had to love 'em. I thought it would be great for the kids to play with them and see what goes into taking care of a dog. We were supposed to get them tomorrow but someone adopted them today. Bummer! Now I want a puppy, but I am trying to reason with myself!
Logan in the leaves
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Please Vote!
I went and voted today. On the way I was listening to talk radio and the host mentioned how amazing it is that we, in a orderly manner, change our leaders every four years. No matter who you are voting for, it is awesome to stand in that line with fellow Americans and feel that you are apart of this great country. I don't know if the vote is going to go the way I want it to this year (still hoping) I am glad to be a part of this process.
My kids were involved in their school election yesterday. When they came home and told me about it I was glad that they got the chance to experience democracy. It wasn't such a good feeling to learn that they both voted for Obama. I realized that I probably should have discussed the election and the candidates with them, foolish me. When I asked them why they chose Obama, their answers were identical. He will be the first Black president. I am excited that our country has come so far that it is possible for us to have a Black or Woman president, but the fact that this is the reason for their vote disturbed me. I hope that this is not the criteria that voters will use when choosing a leader of their country. I am excited to see how the election unfolds, I think it will be a long night. I am very excited to see if Prop 8 passes. Thank you to all who have donated your time, money and sanity for this great cause!
My kids were involved in their school election yesterday. When they came home and told me about it I was glad that they got the chance to experience democracy. It wasn't such a good feeling to learn that they both voted for Obama. I realized that I probably should have discussed the election and the candidates with them, foolish me. When I asked them why they chose Obama, their answers were identical. He will be the first Black president. I am excited that our country has come so far that it is possible for us to have a Black or Woman president, but the fact that this is the reason for their vote disturbed me. I hope that this is not the criteria that voters will use when choosing a leader of their country. I am excited to see how the election unfolds, I think it will be a long night. I am very excited to see if Prop 8 passes. Thank you to all who have donated your time, money and sanity for this great cause!
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Kids will be kids
The kids took advantage of an unusually warm day this afternoon. We were out in shorts and no shoes. It was beautiful!
Saturday, November 1, 2008
What do I do now?

So I am trying this blogging thing out. We shall see how it goes. It may just be an other computer activity that sucks me in.
So yesterday was halloween and the kids really had a good time. Logan and Kali both loved the lollipops, and I am finding them all over the house today. Hannah was sick all week and coughed the whole night but still kept trick-or-treating with the best of them. Morgan thought she was too old to go with the family this year so reluctantly I let her go with her friends, my baby has grown up so fast!
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