1.Where did you meet your husband? At the U, we had two classes together
2.How long did you date before you got married? 4 months
3. How long have you been married? 10 years
4. What does he do that surprises you? He still thinks he can sing.
5. What is your favorite feature of his? His laugh, his eyes and lips.
6. What is his best quality? Non judgemental
7. Does he have a nickname for you? Teener
8. What is his favorite food? Toss up between Apricot Chicken and Sweet Meatballs
9. What is his favorite sport? Does Fantasy Football count?
10. When and where did you first kiss? Spring Break at the Huntington Library. We were under this beautiful flowering vine bridge and he asked if he could kiss....my nose. Chicken, he kissed my nose then I kissed him. Even then I had to do everything!
11. What is your favorite thing to do as a couple? Ummm... :) j/k we like anything outdoors, camping, hiking, biking, sports.
12. Do you have any children? 4 PERIOD.
13.Does he have any hidden talents? I think he is a closet movie producer. He makes our family video every year and does an amazing job!
14. How old is he? 33
15. Who said 'I love you' first? Wow, I am not sure. I'll have to research that one.
16. What is his favorite music? I guess it would be 90's rock. He likes most everything except country, and he loves movie soundtracks.
17. What do you admire most about him? There are a lot of things I admire. I guess the thing I admire most is his ability to see all sides of a problem. He is not an emotional thinker, he thinks with his head first and that makes me respect his opinions because it's always thought through.
18. What is his favorite color? Blue
19. Will he read this? Probably not, too busy.
20. TAG YOU ARE IT!!!! Post about your husband and show him you love him!
1 comment:
Tina! I loved your post about Jay and was laughing about your first kiss. What a nerd!I also agree about the closet movie producing thing.
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