Friday, February 20, 2009

Life is Getting CrAZy!!!

This is just a quick update because I haven't posted anything for a while. We finally sold the house, Hooray!!!! We are closing on the 20th of March and will be moving to our rental house on the 15th. We are really excited and sad. The new house will be a lot of fun for us. It has a great yard with a pool, basketball court, and lots of places to explore. It is actually bigger than the house that we are in now, but it is an older house. It will be close to the kids new school, church, and Jay's work and best of all it is less expensive than where we are now. We are really going to miss our house and neighborhood firends, but know that this will be better for us in the long run. Well that's about all for know, hopefully I will have some new pictures and stories to post soon.


Cyrus said...

Sounds exciting! I'm happy for you and proud of you guys for making such wise decisions.... sometimes those are the hard ones!

Leanne said...

that above comment is actually me!