Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Well it has been a long time since I last blogged. We are back in school. Both the girls are enjoying their teachers and classes. All the kids are in Gymnastics and love every minute of it. Hannah and Morgan go 2x a week and Kali and Logan one time a week. Kali loves the trampoline and Logan loves "the pit".
We have about 8 more months in North Carolina and hope to find out where we will be heading for the next 3 years in December. Pray that it is some where in the WEST!!!
October will be a busy month for us. I have a triathlon, Jay leaves for a month to Cincinati, we have a family trip planned to Bucsh Gardens, and Morgan will be starting Pre-team in gymnastics and of course Halloween!!! Hopefully we'll get some pictures posted of everything.


Kim & Clay said...

I vote you come to UTAH!! haha ... is that even on the list of possibilities? Wish you were coming here for Christmas ... but we'll be thinking of you! P.S. your puppy is so cute.

jenichild said...

We can't wait to hear where you'll end up. Our vote is AZ! What cities are in the running?